Thursday 26 February 2015


The nicer end of Patong Beach, and our lovely hotel.


Canoeing into a cove.


Between the stalactites.


'James Bond' island, the location from 'The Man with the Golden Gun'.


Sailing the Andaman Sea...canoeing into a bat cave...

Penguin Island

Penguin Island

The island is a sanctuary for the aptly named Little penguins and we were lucky enough to see three dolphins, a mum and her calves.

Penguin Island

It didn't take long to wander around the island!


 Sunset over the Indian Ocean at Cottesloe beach.


Miles of pristine coastline.

Perth, Western Australia

Such a stunning coastline!

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Siem Reap

Round the back of Angkor Wat where there were no crowds, the path simply led off into the jungle;  just us and the geckos and the evening birdsong.

Siem Reap

The paddy fields which surround the village where we helped to build a path and a water tower for a local school.  Below part of the gang hard at work!

Siem Reap

Sunset at the spectacular Angkor Wat temple.

Siem Reap, Cambodia

Bayon, above, and the jungle temple, Ta Prohm, below.

Siem Reap, Cambodia

Fabulous carvings at Bayon temple.


Ubud market - amazing and endless bargains to be found!


Ubud is full of intriguing glimpses through decorative doorways.


My favourite lemon iced tea.

Tuesday 24 February 2015