Sunday 5 July 2015

Final day at work

Thank you to the LS team and their generosity and kindness - what an amazing two years!

Saturday 4 July 2015

Final evening out in Singapore

Instead of the usual laser lights show, we were treated to a spectacular fireworks display at Merlion Park!

Final evening out in Singapore

Singapore lit up at night - so beautiful!

Final evening out in Singapore

Dave enjoyed 4th of July beer at Atherton prices and I savour a glass (or two) of chilled white wine at Clarke Quay.  We were thrilled to watch the aeronautical display of pilots practising for Singapore's 50th birthday celebrations.


All grown up!


Aislinn enjoys a pre-prom glass of champagne with her friends and there we are, at the Shangri-La.


Very proud parents!


Aislinn with her English and form teacher, the delightful Claire Byrne, her good friends Georgia and Erin and Head of Y13, Tony Graves, and all-round great chap and from St Helens to boot!


During the ceremony Aislinn conducted the school orchestra who played her own composition, 'Cherry Blossom'.


 What a wonderful way for Aislinn to end her time here - a Graduation procession, cheered on by the whole school, followed by a presentation ceremony.

Saturday 27 June 2015


The LS Prosecco Ladies: me, Natasha, Gayatri and Magen; Linde is the photographer.
With a rogue Chinese Lantern at the end of our final Prosecco evening.

Saturday 20 June 2015

Bollywood Veggies

A locally-run cafe and market garden centre, this place is a haven for nature lovers!
This cascade of pink flowers caught my eye in amongst the banana trees and aloe vera.

Sungei Buloh

Sungei Buloh Wetlands Reserve lies in the north of Singapore - a trek to get to but well worth it to experience some open spaces and nature.  However watch out for..
...the biggest spider I have ever seen amidst an enormous web strung above the path and...
estuarine crocs lazing around!

Saturday 13 June 2015


 A trek out to Changi; above the creaking ferry heads for Pulau Ubin and below, 'banana money' - the worthless Japanese currency inflicted upon Singaporeans during their occupation in WW2, on display at the poignant Changi Museum and Chapel.


Aislinn masters the waves!

Bali scenes


 The beautiful gates at the entrance of the hotel, and below, a crane joins the ducks for a dip in the pond.

Full Moon Ceremony

 We attended the ceremony to celebrate the full moon.


Almost a professional!

Raja's cooking class

 Aislinn works up an appetite, grinding the spices.
 Shredding duck for the soup.
And here is the colourful array of local spices.

Bali, Raja's cooking class

 Dave conjures something up with prawns and spices.


 Views from the lounger!

Nusa Dua, Bali

It is hard work, getting a tan!

Monday 18 May 2015